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Coupon Codes


Our online store uses coupon ‘codes’ to apply 'Juggling Life' Club Member and volume discounts.  Only one code can be entered per order.


Please take note and enter your eligible Promotion Code at Checkout (codes are case sensitive):



If you are a Club Member enter Member                 (-15%)

Club Member + 12 bottles or more enter Member12    (-25%)

Club Member + 24 bottles or more enter Member24   (-40%)


If you are not a Club Member:

For a purchase of 12 bottles or more enter Case             (-10%) You should really just become a Club

For a purchase of 24 bottles or more enter Case2          (-15%)  member and enjoy a bigger discount!


Mixed cases are also eligible for promotional discounts.


If your Coupon Code does not apply the eligible discount, please contact us directly and we will process your order.


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